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Plechatá, A., Hejtmánek, L., & Fajnerová, I. (2021). Virtual supermarket shopping task for cognitive rehabilitation and assessment of psychiatric patients: Validation in chronic schizophrenia. Československá psychologie, 65(1), 14-30.

Plechatá, A., Hejtmánek, L., Bednářová, M., & Fajnerová, I. (2021). Cognitive remediation in virtual environments for patients with schizophrenia and major depressive disorder: A feasibility study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(17), 9081.


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Hejtmánek, L., Oravcová, I., Motýl, J., Horáček, J., & Fajnerová, I. (2018). Spatial knowledge impairment after GPS guided navigation: Eye-tracking study in a virtual town. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 116, 15–24.


Fajnerová, I., Oravcová, I., Plechatá, A., Hejtmánek, L., Sahula, V., Vlček, K., & Nekovárová, T. (2017). The virtual Episodic Memory Task: Towards remediation in neuropsychiatric disorders. 2017 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), 1–2.

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